Sunday, May 24, 2009

why evolutionising?

I have been toying with the idea of composing a blog for a while now. I wasn't sure how I was going to approach it. I live by myself in a semi-remote area, which means I have plenty of quiet time to think about life, love, work and play. Despite the isolation, I still have plenty of things to keep me busy! Professionally there are so many things buzzing around in my mind and I find talking them out is the best way to refine my thoughts. I do though, have 'issues' with being defined by my role and my job. I am often introduced within new social circles by my title/role and not only does it set new aquaintences up with preconceived ideas about me, but until they get to know me, I frankly feel that it makes me appear BORING!! LOL I like to think a lot about life and human interactions and how this affects my actions and the actions of others - at work, home and out. So my blog may take many random froms...from Shakespearian like soliloquies to Socratic questioning.

The title for my blog came about through a discussion with my brother about a title for an award submission I was writing. At the time we thought that perhaps a non-recognised word was not the best choice for a title in an education award submission - I perhaps now regret not being brave enough to back myself and making that gutsy move. The title perhaps, refers more to my professional sphere of education and my quest for expanding my understandings and knowledge. In my opinion the present government's catch cry of the education revolution has missed the mark - it insuates a complete overthrow of systems in a perhaps adversary like situation. In contrast evolution refers to a process of formation and growth...evolutionising is about growing and developing - not throwing out the past but building upon it to create a more refined and complex state. I try to engage in evolutionising what I do...I'd like this blog to form a part of my conscious reflection - something concrete to then act upon to improve what I do.


  1. It looks great Kay!. Your thoughts about governments and their attitudes toward education are spot on. I don't think they know the meaning of evolution. You just have to see the number of excellent Web 2. technologies (e.g. Glogster) whose sites have been blocked to schools, to see how blinkered their approach is.

  2. Kay, interesting post and a great reflection on the terms chosen by our government - indeed there is grave misunderstanding as they seem hesitant to fast paced change as would be suggested by revolution. I've never thought of evolution as a personal process, perhaps this is simply a word association (I like refine and growth) or maybe there is deeper thought to be had on why I do what I do.

    One thing I never underestimate is the quality of learning I gain from reading the reflections of others, so please keep up the blogging.


  3. Welcome to the blogosphere my Smartie friend :)

    I'm seriously looking forward to following your thoughts, no doubt you're going to have me up till all hours thinking (I remember maccas and talking digital footprints).

    Stand up, be proud and be brave!
